How to Avoid Vacation Weight

How to Avoid Vacation Weight

I have a client who recently went on vacation and ate a few things that were off her normal plan.  She didn't gain weight, but was really being hard on herself for not behaving “perfectly”.  

 Here's an excerpt from my email to her, which I'm sharing publicly in the hopes it will be helpful to you as well.


I hear so many stories of people either deciding ahead of time to go crazy or accidentally going crazy on vacation that you did really well by comparison.

Some people think throwing out healthy eating = vacation, and I don't agree with that. We want to do our best to eat healthy wherever we go. And that's easier some places than others.

And ALSO – for me personally, if there truly is a special food on vacation that's not available at home, I want to have the experience of trying it.

Imagining going to Paris and only eating iceberg lettuce. The food is part of the culture of the place, which for me is what I'm there to experience.

Only eating lettuce in Paris would be a cultural crime almost as bad as only eating McDonald's in Paris.

So we go, we experience, we enjoy. And we know that we can enjoy trying something in a few bites. We can enjoy a trip without eating to the point of discomfort. We can enjoy the trip even more when we don't regret our choices when we get home.

I have a client who says guilt has calories, and while it's not literally true, I think it can hit your body that way. Guilt raises your cortisol (stress hormone). Cortisol blocks weight loss and increases belly fat. So we set an intention to eat healthy, and when we make an exception by choice or by accident, we don't add guilt to it. If there's learning, get the lesson, and then move on.


If this is the sort of support you think would help you improve your relationship with food while losing weight and improving your health, let's work together.  The first step is a free initial consultation to make sure you are a fit for my program and to get your questions answered.  More information and my scheduling calendar is available at



What is The Energy of Weight Loss?

What is The Energy of Weight Loss?

In order to lose weight we have to shift out of shame/guilt/apathy and grief (if applicable) about losing weight/current weight/body and start using at least fear (or better yet, desire) as our “emotional fuel”.

We know from The Model that negative feelings usually produce negative actions, so we don't want to use that as fuel.

We also don't want to flip into denial or toxic positivity. Our negative emotions are real and deserve our attention. Ignoring them doesn't make them go away, it just makes them subconscious, where they still end up running the show without our knowledge or consent.

With that being said, after we've felt our feelings and cleared some of the limiting beliefs/Younger Selves that are causing them, we have to start redirecting our brain to the positive models to get a positive result.

Want to know how to do that?  I have a 16 week program that will give you the education and skills to do exactly that.

The first step is a free initial consultation. Learn more and book an appointment at