Women over 40 – no new meal plan or exercise plan to lose weight needed.

Yes, really.  Women over 40 – no new meal plan or  exercise plan needed to lose weight.

Most weight loss programs give you a meal plan and an exercise plan – as if the problem is that you don’t know that vegetables and walking are good for you!

​But you know that.

As a woman over 40, you know enough of the basics around nutrition and exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle and healthy weight.

You've studied enough about nutrition and exercise.

All you have to do is do what you taught your kids to do.

Eat your veggies.  Go for a walk.  Get a good night's sleep.

These basics of healthy living are all you need to do to lose weight as a woman over 40, especially once you learn about how your hormones work and are changing and how to balance all that out with some simple tweaks to how you live to let you have weight loss in a healthy and sustainable way.

What you don’t know is how to get yourself to do what you already know you should be doing.

​It’s a behavior change problem, NOT a knowledge problem.

​And I am an expert in figuring out and removing what’s blocking your ability to choose and enjoy the new behavior.

​Weight loss is possible for women over 40.  I know, because I lost 50 pounds in 2020 at age 46 in the midst of a pandemic, when everyone else was gaining weight.

So why does the diet industry insist women over 40 need a new meal plan and a new exercise plan to lose weight? 

Simple – because that's what they sell.

Meal plans, recipes, pills, supplements, exercise plans, work out videos – these are all scalable solutions that companies can develop once and then sell over and over very profitably and affordably.

The work we do together of deep diving into your psyche, uncovering what's been blocking your weight loss, healing your past, helping your inner child, changing the thoughts and feelings that have been causing you to stress eat or emotional eat – that's not as easy to produce in a factory and commodify.

But it may just be the work that changes the rest of your life had helps you lose weight and improve your health for the rest of your life.

And it's a skill set that translates to the rest of your life as well.

So when I tell you, hey women over 40 – no new meal plan or exercise plan needed to lose weight, I say it because it was true for me, it's been true for my clients, and therefore I truly believe it will also be true for you.

Let's work on it together.

​I'm here to help.

Schedule a time to get started here -> https://LisaDuke.net/schedule​