As a woman over 40, are you looking for an innovative approach to weight loss?  Try the ACE Weight Loss Methodology, developed by and for women over 40 to help them lose weight.

Most traditional weight loss programs give you a meal plan and an exercise plan, but they don't give you additional willpower to follow those weight loss plans.

What you need is an understanding of what's blocking your ability to eat healthy foods, get in healthy movement, and take the time and invest the money to improve your health.  The ACE Weight Loss Methodology was designed to do exactly that.

Step 1 of this proprietary weight loss methodology is AWARENESS.

​If you are trying to lose weight, I actually recommend you eat when you are hungry (I know, crazy talk, right?!?).

​The flip side of that is I recommend you don't eat when you aren't hungry.

​Instead, take some time to ask why, if you are not hungry and you want to lose weight, you are about to eat.

​It may be as simple as marketing.

​Who exactly told us breakfast was the most important meal of the day? Was it someone selling cereal?

​What if you were to delay breakfast until you felt hunger? That may be a very easy way to extend your fast, keep your blood sugar low, and keep you in fat burning mode instead of fat storage mode.

​Why are you snacking in front of the TV after dinner?

​Is it because you did that growing up, and now you get warm fuzzies from popcorn with a movie? If so, could you keep the memory, but drop the snack?

​After you bring this first level of mindfulness to your eating, you may be able to break a lot of habits and start to lose weight.

​Or you may find something deeper coming to the surface.

​I personally noticed when my husband works late, I tend to get a snack as a way to reduce boredom.

​When he doesn't work late and wants to do an extended TV marathon, I may get snacks to deal with restlessness.

​When you decide to cut out eating when you are not hungry, those feelings come to the surface, and you can start to find zero calorie ways to deal with them.

​That's how I help my clients through the AWARENESS phase.

​Is this the kind of support you need to lose weight? If so, book a free initial consultation to get your questions answered and to sign up for my program.

​Go to to find a time that works for you today.