ACE for Weight Loss – How It Works

ACE for Weight Loss – How It Works

My ACE Weight Loss Methodology is a unique and innovative approach to weight loss that lasts.

We are solving the root cause instead of temporarily covering up the symptoms.

So how does it work?

ACE stands for:

  • AWARENESS. The next time you sit down for a snack in front of the TV after dinner, ask yourself, “if I am not hungry because I just had dinner, and I want to lose weight, why am I eating this?” We need to bring awareness to the eating we are doing for non-hunger reasons. It's the easiest eating to cut out without triggering deprivation.

  • CLEARING. We need to clear out all the non-hunger reasons we are eating. Are we reaching for chips when we feel stressed and angry? Ice cream when we feel anxious? Are we eating sweets because factory-food has been engineered to create addiction? Is there even something from childhood or a past life driving the non-hunger eating? Once we clear the drivers of non-hunger eating, we need much less willpower to chose not to eat when we are not in need of fuel.

  • ENERGY. This may sound a little woo-woo, but there's an energy of weight loss. Once we've cleared all the heavy stuff that's been holding us back, we naturally feel more optimistic and positive. We naturally choose lighter foods when we are eating for health and fuel. We act differently when we see the possibility is real.

Let's work together. Only $495 for 4 sessions, and everyone who completes all 16 sessions of the program is covered by my unconditional money back guarantee for up to a year after completing the program. to book your initial consultation for free today.


ACE for Weight Loss – Step 3

ACE for Weight Loss – Step 3

ACE – Step 3

Step 3 of my proprietary methodology to help you get to and heal the root cause of your excess weight is ENERGY.

It may sound a little woo, but there's an emotional state that goes with weight loss.

It's the energy of “it's working, it's working, it's working”.

It's a positive expectation that changes your behavior.

You see, the pleasure of looking and feeling more vibrant and alive that comes from eating food that supports your health in quantities your body can easily process can actually become more compelling than a bag of Halloween candy.

It doesn't mean you'll never have a treat again.

It means you'll be eating chocolate or ice cream or chips for pleasure and free from guilt and shame, and that eating those things will be something you occasionally choose to do, rather than feel compelled to do.

Or you may lose your taste for them forever and wonder what all the fuss was about.

When you are in the energy of overweight, the solution to overweight is invisible/impossible.

When you in the energy of your healthy weight, the solution is obvious/simple.

It sounds a bit ephemeral, and it's kind of tricky to explain, but like porn, you know it when you see it. 🙂

Let's get you into the energy of a healthy body that's at a healthy weight because it's eating healthy food in healthy quantities.

It's an energy you deserve to be in.

From here, so much more is possible.

Schedule your free initial consultation today by visiting

Step 2 – Clearing with The ACE Weight Loss Methodology

Step 2 – Clearing with The ACE Weight Loss Methodology

A few weeks into my program, my clients have awareness over what's been driving their overeating (and also, some tips on when and what to eat to flip them into fat burning mode and out of fat storage mode).

We are now well into the CLEARING phase.

We typically start with clearing the nervous system. EFT (tapping) is a great tool for this when someone is too triggered emotionally to talk through something rationally.

We also use the NOW technique, to allow clients to feel and process their emotions safely without using food as a drug.

Remember when I said I have used food to address boredom and restlessness in the evenings?

Using these tools does the same thing for me as eating – it helps me feel better, but without the “moment on the lips, lifetime on the hips” effect.

Once we've settled in and worked through the emotions, the logical mind comes back on line.

Coaching is a great tool for the logical mind. Clients have great “ah-ha” moments and shifts.

But there are some things that are deeper than the conscious mind.

With weight, childhood issues, ancestor trauma, and past life events can also be running subconsciously and sabotaging our results.

I use ThetaHealing with clients to help bring these issues from the subconscious to the conscious mind so they can be worked through and cleared.

So you see, there's a bit more to it than just “eat less, exercise more”.

Yes, your behavior will shift. You might start walking. You might shift from mostly processed foods to mostly the foods your body was designed to use as fuel. You might feel less urgency around eating.

And you might even use a little willpower here and there, and put a bead in your urge jar instead of reaching for the snack (either way, you'll get the hit of dopamine your brain wants, but with the urge jar you break your overeating habit!).

But you won't be trying to white-knuckle it.

As my client Kate said, “weight loss doesn't have to involve suffering”.

Let's get started. Your time is now, and you are ready for the next step.

Schedule your free initial consultation to get signed up at

Awareness – Past Life and Ancestral Beliefs

Awareness – Past Life and Ancestral Beliefs

Past life and ancestral beliefs can also be subconscious blocks to weight loss.

In addition to habit eating, stress/emotional eating, and limiting beliefs, when we just can't get ourselves to do what we want to do to improve our health there can be another type of block in the way.

Now this gets a little woowoo, so no worries if that's coming up for you.  I was not raised to believe in past lives, and frankly I still don't know if I believe in them or not.

But I can definitely tell you I've had the experience of visualizing snippets of a story like scenes from a movie, and I've had the experience of looking at and understanding that story and then having a shift because of that.

And I've worked with clients who have had similar stories come up that aren't memories from this lifetime, but have been getting in their way without them even being conscious of the stories.

So where do these stories come from?

They very well could be past lives.

Or they could be someone else's story that we are accessing from the collective unconscious.

For all I know, they could be alternate dimensions or snippets of a dream or a bit of a movie we saw as a kid.

They could even be something our mind is making up in the moment in response to the questions we are asked.

Here's the kicker – I don't think it matters.

What I know from my own experience and from working with clients is that once the brain has a story – wherever it's origin – that helps it understand why it is doing a certain thing, it is able to then make peace with that story and let it go, which allows for different behavior in the future.

It's a bit of magic.

I've seen similar things happen with ancestral beliefs.

If you have a long line of ancestors who suffered from famine, your line may have only survived because your people know how to get the most out of a calorie.

You may have sayings or habits that come down the family lines.

When these stories are brought to consciousness and honored, we can then recognize that times have changed and shift into behavior that is appropriate for a time of abundance and relase the habits of scarcity.

Ready to release your subconscious blocks to weight loss?  I look forward to working with you.