Feel Better Without Food – NOW

Feel Better Without Food – NOW

There are ways to deal with boredom, restlessness, stress, and cravings besides food.

So if we aren’t going to be eating as a way to deal with feelings like restlessness, boredom, or stress, what do we do with those feelings?

Well, we feel them. But don’t worry – it’s not as bad as what you are probably imagining.

I teach my clients a technique I learned from Krista St. Germain through The Life Coach School called the “NOW” technique.

NOW is an acronym that stands for Name, Open, and Watch.

So when you are feeling a feeling, the first thing to do is to name it. What feeling is it?

Then open up to that feeling. Instead of trying to get rid of it or change it or solve it like a problem, really allow it to be there. Where is it in your body? Imagine and visualize where it is, what it’s doing, and what it looks like.

Then, watch the feeling. Just be with it. Try to stay in your body with the physical experience instead of getting back into your head and overthinking the whole situation.

Often when we just the Name, Open, Watch technique with the physical experience of an emotion, we realize it’s really not that bad.

P.S. It's time for your to lose the weight.  You absolutely can do this once you have the right support.  Jump on a Zoom call with me and we'll get you started.  Just find a time on my calendar.


3 Keys to Losing Weight

3 Keys to Losing Weight

Habit eating, neglecting to manage your hormones, and not knowing how your mind works are huge components in weight problems.

There are three main areas I suggest clients examine and better understand to lose weight.

1. Habits.

Are you in the habit of eating every time you pass through the kitchen? Every time you are in a restaurant? Every time someone has food on their desk and you pass by? Start to pay attention to the times we are eating even though we are not hungry, and cut out some of this habit eating.

Some of my clients find breakfast is just a habit – that they aren't hungry, and that they can cut a whole meal out without even noticing. By starting to pay attention to mindless habit eating and by asking more questions about why we are eating when not hungry, we can start to break a lot of bad habits.

2. Hormones.

The main hormone I educate my clients on is insulin. When we have a lot of refined sugar, our blood sugar shoots up, and insulin answers the 911 call.

Our body starts to move sugar out of the blood and into our muscles and liver. Then it starts to store the excess sugar as fat.

If you are constantly snacking on sugary food (or refined carbohydrates, which quickly break down into sugar), your insulin stays permanently high and you stay stuck in fat storage mode. By eliminating sugar and refined carbohydrates (factory foods) and by eliminating snacks between meals, your body gets a chance to shift out of fat storage mode and into fat loss mode.

3. How your mind works.

This is where the coaching really comes into play. Using tools like The Model, I can help clients get a better understanding of what thoughts and feelings are driving their overeating, which is leading to being overweight.

Once we stop the mindless habit eating, take breaks between meals to allow the body to actually burn fat, and cut out emotional eating by getting to the root cause of the thoughts and feelings driving emotional eating, clients are able to lose weight without going hungry.

P.S. It's time for your to lose the weight.  You absolutely can do this once you have the right support.  Jump on a Zoom call with me and we'll get you started.  Just find a time on my calendar.