Past life and ancestral beliefs can also be subconscious blocks to weight loss.

In addition to habit eating, stress/emotional eating, and limiting beliefs, when we just can't get ourselves to do what we want to do to improve our health there can be another type of block in the way.

Now this gets a little woowoo, so no worries if that's coming up for you.  I was not raised to believe in past lives, and frankly I still don't know if I believe in them or not.

But I can definitely tell you I've had the experience of visualizing snippets of a story like scenes from a movie, and I've had the experience of looking at and understanding that story and then having a shift because of that.

And I've worked with clients who have had similar stories come up that aren't memories from this lifetime, but have been getting in their way without them even being conscious of the stories.

So where do these stories come from?

They very well could be past lives.

Or they could be someone else's story that we are accessing from the collective unconscious.

For all I know, they could be alternate dimensions or snippets of a dream or a bit of a movie we saw as a kid.

They could even be something our mind is making up in the moment in response to the questions we are asked.

Here's the kicker – I don't think it matters.

What I know from my own experience and from working with clients is that once the brain has a story – wherever it's origin – that helps it understand why it is doing a certain thing, it is able to then make peace with that story and let it go, which allows for different behavior in the future.

It's a bit of magic.

I've seen similar things happen with ancestral beliefs.

If you have a long line of ancestors who suffered from famine, your line may have only survived because your people know how to get the most out of a calorie.

You may have sayings or habits that come down the family lines.

When these stories are brought to consciousness and honored, we can then recognize that times have changed and shift into behavior that is appropriate for a time of abundance and relase the habits of scarcity.

Ready to release your subconscious blocks to weight loss?  I look forward to working with you.