Are Stardust Bars the secret to hitting your weight loss goals?

Be honest – are you looking for the link to buy?

Because that's what diet culture has trained us to do – always be looking for the next new product we can add to our routine to solve our problems.

But you don't need a new product.  You need some new ideas.  Here's one you might find helpful.

One of my mentors, Brooke Castillo, encourages her clients to start to view food as fuel instead of a source of happiness and entertainment.

 In trainings she would ask, “would you eat two sawdust bars per day – one for lunch, and one for dinner – in exchange for your weight loss results?”

One of her clients misunderstood her and thought she was saying STARdust bars. 

Not sure what's in a Stardust Bar, but it's already better marketing than the sawdust bar, right?!?

The point of the story is – what if you could get your excitement (your pleasure, your fun) from your LIFE, instead of always getting it from your food?

 What if you could learn how to fix your relationship with food, so eating could still be enjoyable, but not the peak of your existence?

 That's one of the things I help my clients do.  Put food in its proper place, as a source of fuel and nourishment and nutrition, and still delicious and pleasurable, but not the substitute for a good life, but as a piece of that life.

 You can do this.  I can help.  I'm like the Home Depot for weight loss. Let's start today.

P.S. It's time for your to lose the weight.  You absolutely can do this once you have the right support.  Jump on a Zoom call with me and we'll get you started.  Just find a time on my calendar.