You are worth the investment.

When was the last time you invested in yourself?

 In your happiness?

 In your health?

 In your personal development?

 Without question we as women invest in our kids.  We understand their education and extracurricular activities put them on a path to get into a good college, get a good job, marry the right person, and be successful.

 And we invest in our husbands.  We take care of things around the house so they don't have to worry about it.  We go to their work functions and smile and nod and act as much like Snow White as we can so everyone knows what a lovely wife he has and feel safe promoting him.

But what about you?

There are some great fathers out there, but that thing they say on the planes about putting your own oxygen mask on?  We know that's not for them, right?  That's for us.

And it's backwards.  We think by putting ourselves last we are making sure there's enough for everyone else.  But living on scraps doesn't work the way you think it does.  It just reinforces the idea of scarcity and leads to everyone rolling their eyes at what a martyr you are.  They don't really appreciate it anyway.

The truth of it is, if momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.  And they know you are not happy.

So it's time, it's time to invest in yourself.  There have been new things that have been invented and discovered since college, and you didn't get to take all the classes anyway.

 There's more to learn and more to discover and it's ok to invest the time, money, and effort in improving yourself. 

 And secretly it all comes back to them anyway.  Your husband has a wife who likes the way she looks and isn't constantly trying to get in the back of all the group photos.  Your kids see you eating healthier, and at some point down the road they will remember that and have that to fall back on when they are overweight.

So do it, momma.  Invest in yourself.  You are worth it.

P.S. It's time for your to lose the weight.  You absolutely can do this once you have the right support.  Jump on a Zoom call with me and we'll get you started.  Just find a time on my calendar.