We think weight loss is all about getting ourselves to eat the right things or exercise until we “feel the burn”.  But weight loss starts with our beliefs.

 I've had quite a few people jump on consult calls with me over the years, and for most of them, the number one reason they don't go ahead and pay the $395 for the first month of coaching is that they don't believe lasting weight loss is possible for them.

They believe it's possible for me of course.  All you have to do is scroll through my Facebook photos and you can see I used to be bigger, that I lost weight about a year ago, and that I seem to be keeping it off.

If they've been on my YouTube channel they will have seen the testimonials out there, so they likely believe that it works for my clients as well.

But they don't believe it's possible for them.

“I've always been heavy.”

“My whole family is overweight – I'm doomed genetically.”

“I lack willpower.”

I get it.  For the longest time, I thought there was something wrong with me as well.  In fact, I ended up with low thyroid (which has now cleared itself up).

But here's the thing.  I don't care about your genetics or your willpower or your diagnoses.  I know if you eat less, and if what you eat is healthier, you will weigh less.  And I know how to get you to cut out the stress eating and the emotional eating and the unconscious habit eating you are doing.

So change your mind about what's possible for you.  Be willing to invest in yourself.  Thanks to my money back guarantee, the only thing you have to lose is the weight.

Are you ready to lose with Lisa?  Click here to schedule a free initial consultation to learn more.