Ask, answer, and then make a different choice.


Ready for one question that could change your weight?


There's one question you aren't asking yourself before you eat, that, if you ask it, could solve your weight issue immediately.

Ready for the question you need to be asking yourself?

The magic question is:  am I hungry?


I know, right?

The average American woman is completely out of touch with her body and its signals.

We were raised to clean our plates and not to waste food – to get our money's worth.

But what about if instead of worrying about getting our money's worth and the state of our membership in the clean plate club we were to pay attention to our body's signals more?

Am I hungry?  If not, why am I eating this?

You might be eating for pleasure, which I get, but which may not be compatible with your goal of looking like someone who eats for fuel instead of for fun.

On a darker note, you may be eating to make yourself feel better.  Again, I get it, but if there is a problem in your life so serious you need to drug yourself with an outside substance in order to deal with it, it's time to change your life and/or your thinking about your life and/or how we deal with unpleasant feelings.

These are all things I could help you with as your coach. 

Let's get started today.

Ready to learn how I can help you lose weight?  Email me at and we'll jump on a Zoom call and chat.