Do you know how to achieve your weight loss goal?


There's a straightforward process to achieving your weight loss goal.


So let’s discuss how to create and achieve your goal. I’ll use the example of weight loss, but this process works for anything you want in life.

1. Get clear on where you are. What is your current weight?
2. Be honest about what you think about where you are. What do you think about the fact that you weigh what you currently do?
3. Now, take a moment to reflect on that statement. How does it make you feel?
4. When you are thinking that thought and feeling that way, what are the sorts of things you do? It might be snacking between meals or in front of the TV at night, eating sweets, or other behavior that has led to your current weight.
5. And then for the result, write your current weight again.

Now, go through the same process for your goal.

1. What would you like your weight to be?
2. What would you think about yourself once you achieved that goal weight?
3. How would you feel once you hit that goal and while you were thinking that thought?
4. What sorts of things is that new version of you doing? Maybe exercising and eating for fuel instead of fun? What is she NOT doing?
5. Then write your goal weight and the bottom of your model.

Once you can see the gap between where you are and where you want to be, the trick to achieving that goal is to step into that new version of yourself now, by thinking the thoughts and feeling the feelings that future you has. Then it will be easy and natural for you to do what the future version of you does.

Would you like to go through this process with me live for free?  That's exactly what I do on my free initial session.  After, if you are interested and if I feel you are a fit for my program, we can discuss the additional paid support I offer.  To schedule a time to do this, check out my calendar online at