Overeating is not a requirement of celebration.

 My client Lindsay had a common cultural association between overeating and celebrating.


This goes way back, to a time when food was scarce and being able to really eat with abandon would have been very rare.

This was also a time when gluttony was one of the Seven Deadly Sins, so even those few who could afford to overeat all the time had some social and religious pressure not to do so.

Now, if you truly celebrate a few times a year (say, even once a quarter or once a month), you can probably leave that cultural link in place.  It's so infrequent it may not be undermining your ability to lose weight.

 But after coaching with Lindsay for a few months, I noticed she celebrated A LOT.  Like, at least every 7-10 days.

Again, nothing wrong with that. Like Oprah says, live your best life.

But when you are overeating every 7-10 days because you are celebrating every 7-10 days and in your mind celebrating requires overindulging… well, that's going to interfere with your ability to lose weight.

 Once we noticed the pattern and brought it to the light, Lindsay was willing to let go of the story that celebration and overeating had to be linked.  And that's been a big part of her ability to stop overeating and start losing weight.

Are you ready to bring in an outside expert to get some perspective on how your brain and your habits are interfering with your ability to lose weight?  If so, click here to schedule a call and learn more.