There's a skinny future version of you.  Do you know how to get to her?


I sometimes talk to people who secretly believe they can't lose weight.  They are convinced there's something wrong with them. And they are absolutely right.


This version of you probably can't lose weight.

This version of you has been gaining a little bit of weight tiny amount by tiny amount for years.

Without a major interruption to the pattern – without a shift to the status quo – this version of you likely will continue doing what you have always done, and therefore will continue getting what you are getting now.


While this future version of you (that's just a rinse and repeat version of present you) is the most likely future version of you, it's not the only possible future version of you.

Imagine all these future versions of you in front of you like outfits in your closet.

Quantum possibilities.  They all exist as potentials until we choose.

Which one are you going to step into?

You can absolutely remake yourself on your own for free.  People do it all the time.

But I will tell you as someone who has reinvented herself a few times – it's easier with a mentor.

We went from refinancing the house every few years to pay off the credit cards (and then running the credit cards back up) to a current net worth of over $2,000,000 with a mentor.

I went from a bottle a night wine habit to not drinking at all (and not missing it) with the help of a role model.

I went from overeating (and not believing I was overeating) to eating in a way that fuels my body – and leaves me to deal with my mind and emotions using the non-food tools I now have – with a leader to follow.

You can do it on your own, but it's so much easier to make the choice to switch from your default future to your dream future with a mentor.  And a mindset coach who has done what you want to do makes an excellent mentor, due to not just her experience, but also her ability to show you your mind and where it's getting in the way.

 If you are tired of wasting time and ready for a change, let's work together.

Click here to schedule a call for a free session.