If you’ve been trying to lose weight, you are probably trying to eat less, but you are probably also finding you have some really intense urges to eat.  Why is that?


Mainstream society tells us that it’s because you are bad or weak, and that you just need to use willpower to control yourself.  But that’s not the reason and not the solution.  The real reason is that our food today is specifically engineered to hit the pleasure centers in our brain in a super intense way that we are not equipped to deal with.


This engineered food creates overpleasure, which creates overdesire. 


Over time your brain learns to turn down the dopamine to a level you are more designed for, but you still want that same pleasure.  So you eat more and more of these factory foods that contain sugar and flour.  It’s the same process as what happens to a drug addict, just in a legal package.


So, if you want to reduce these urges, you have to learn how to allow them.

 Ready to reach your weight loss goals?  Email me at lisa@lisaduke.net to learn more about how I can support you.