Uh-oh.  She's gone to the woo.

And now for something completely different – introducing Tarot-led coaching. 

For those who know me, you know I've spent my career in IT, and I grew up in Arkansas – both places where anything “woo-woo” is looked upon with great suspicion.  It is at best bullsh!t, and at worst Satanic.

If you know me from those parts of my life, fear not, I have become neither feeble-minded nor evil.

 I have, however, always been curious and open minded, and I love to learn new things and share them.

 One of the many things I've been studying while mostly stuck at home (yay, pandemic) has been tarot card reading.  I've studied the meanings of the cards and of their positions in the layout I use.  I've also studied ThetaHealing and use that to access my intuition.

I think of the cards a bit like the ink blot tests psychiatrists use.  The images are subject to interpretation.  I don't just tell the clients what they mean.  I give them the background information on the card, the layout, and what in the image is standing out to me, and then I let them check out the card for themselves.

We then use that as a jumping off point for what becomes a coaching session.

 I find many new clients may not have anything top of mind that they want to discuss, or they may be reluctant to bring topics up to a stranger.  By having the cards as a starting point, the issues that the client has been working on in the background of their minds often come up for resolution.

So yeah, it's a departure from my logical IT side and my bible-belt wearing side.  But we all have many sides, and I find the tarot-led coaching session is a fun way to get clients talking, to help them access their intuition, and to bring issues to the surface. 

Want to try it out?  Schedule a $100 Tarot-led coaching session today!